This weekend, I have the opportunity to go back to Nashville. It has been almost two years since the first time I ever visited Music City. What is the occasion? The Getty’s are having a Worship Conference there with some incredible guest speakers including Alistair Begg, D.A. Carson, David Platt, Paul Tripp, Joni Eareckson Tada, Bob Kauflin, Laura Story, and more. I am hoping to come away from the conference with more ideas and inspiration for the remaining songs I want to include on my completed album. The Getty’s have been a musical team that I have admired since being introduced to their music years ago. Their mission to write music that is doctrinally and theologically sound and encouraging to believers has been a mission that I have also adopted when writing music compositions. Music is such a powerful form of the spoken and written word and I am convinced that, at the heart of it, it must be transcendent in its message, edifying both old and young alike. I am excited to hear such incredible speakers who have blessed me with their music and writing talents. I pray that this conference will kick off the second half of the finalized album, “Gabrielle Ariana: This is My Story.” There are so many ideas swirling inside my mind for the production of this album but I am giving the Lord the reins and am trusting to receive some more specific direction after being musically and spiritually saturated this upcoming weekend in Nashville, TN…the place where my music journey began and where it will continue.